Yoko Kikuchi
* Location: New York, NY. USA
* How would you describe your art?: Internet-based self-documents (see http://www.geocities.com/ yerkachica - e-journal since 1998)
* Currently working on: Music for my show tonight. Three new songs! And I just started reading a book (Extremely loud and incredibly close, by Jonathan Safran Foer). Also, a t-shirt for tee-shirt-club, my friend Nicole’s club (mailclubby.com)
* Day job (if applicable): Very applicable. 40+ hours a week, shift manager at integral yoga natural foods, going on nine months
* 3 Likes: Blank notebooks, making dinner with friends, clove cigarettes.
* 3 Dislikes: Not being 100% alert, depending on others to be happy, having wet socks.
* Daily Inspirations: My bedroom, the online journals of my friends, walking around nyc
* People & artists you admire: Miranda July, Courtney Love (in the old days), Sophie Calle, my friends
* Favourite album to work to: Well, it changes. I rotate a lot. Right now I’m into both albums by Metric, Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens, and Witching Hour by Ladytron. Will be different next week. Maybe.
8 hours ago
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